The World as a Labyrinth

Die Welt als Labyrinth (The World as a Labyrinth)
Fairy tales, worlds of dreams and magic, horror, madness and the absurd ...
Fantastic art and literature is not a contemporary invention. In fact, it has been around since the beginning of artistic endeavors themselves. In his original and breathtaking foray through the history of art and literature in Europe, Gustav René Hocke uses his impressive knowledge to uncover the cultural-historical connection of the fantastic or mannerism, which runs like a golden thread through all epochs of European art history from antiquity to the present day in which it has blossomed into a dominant art form of our time.
Die Welt als Labyrinth (The World as a Labyrinth), Volume 1 of the Mannerism Library of Gustav René Hocke, addresses art and is now available for the first time as an e-book.