The World as a Labyrinth

The World as a Labyrinth

Mannerism in European art and literature

Gustav René Hocke’s magnum opus on the history of art and literature sheds a surprising light on the century of Mannerism. In a remarkably stimulating, detailed and knowledgeable fashion, he points up the fact that the Mannerist century, 1550-1650, displays a unique vision of, and problematic relationship to, the world. Drawing upon an abundance of hitherto unknown material, he outlines the intellectual and philosophical foundations of that period. He succeeds for the first time in lending Mannerism a clearly defined profile, a stylistic tendency that found expression, as it still does, in all ages and cultures. Hocke arrives at some startling conclusions by comparing modern art with the basic ideas and stylistic features of the Mannerist period, a procedure that enables him to discover some striking analogies.
A standard work indispensable to students of art history.